
List specs, traces, or events that are stored in the Akita cloud.

akita get spec

Downloads API specs as OpenAPI specifications in YAML format.

akita get trace

Lists the available traces.

akita get timeline

Lists captured API calls in time order. This feature is available only for traces which were captured with the AKITA_DEPLOYMENT environment variable set (e.g., to "staging" or "deployment" or "test".)


$ akita get traces --project my-project

List the latest ten traces for my-project along with their attached tags.

$ akita get akita://my-project:spec

List the most recent API models for my-project.

$ akita get akita://my-project:spec:orange-giraffe-123456

Download an API model by AkitaURI, to a file named spec.txt.

$ akita get timeline --project my-project --start 2020-09-02T12:00:00Z --limit 100

List the first 100 captured HTTP requests, in time order, starting at 2020/09/02 12:00:00 UTC.


Instead of the subcommands akita get trace or akita get spec, you can specify akita get [AKITAURI]. The correct subcommand will be used based on the type of the URI.

You must specify at least a project name and a type, either in the Akita URI or with the --project flag.

When downloading an API model, you may specify an output file name as a second argument.


--project string

Specify the name of the project.

--limit int

Limit the number of items shown when listing objects. The default limit is 10; you may specify 0 for no limit. No effect when downloading an object.

--tag []string

Filter the objects by tags. All specified tags must match. No effect when downloading an object.

--start timestamp, --end timestamp

Specify the range of times to see for get timeline. Timestamps must be given in RFC3339 format, like 2019-12-25T07:08:09Z.


It is not currently possible to download an API trace, or to specify an output format.